GEEKS: Interoperability and Health Information Exchange
Increasing Capability for Health Information eXchange (ICHIX) Challenge is both a Health Information Exchange (HIE) training and a challenge that addresses two tracks: Technology- addresses development of technical artifacts to implement HIS interoperability and HIE for GEEKS interoperability projects; Policy- addresses development of governance and policy frameworks and products that enable the effective implementation of interoperability technology artifacts. In the ICHIX Challenge, GEEKS Tier 2 project teams are expected to finish a project focused on interoperability in 8 to 12 months. The "challenge" is to collaboratively solve an important problem within a given time frame. The ICHIX Challenge consists of three phases: Phase 1 from March to July Focus: Demonstrate & develop working, value-driven artifacts; Phase 2 from July to Sept. Focus: Implement & scale up artifacts; Phase 3 from Oct. 2019 to March 2020 Focus: Monitor implementation & scale up; demonstrate value over time.
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