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Working Together: SharePoint Online and Office 365

Hello, and welcome to Working Together: SharePoint Online and Office 365! This course provides hands-on step-by-step walkthroughs for completing the most common tasks in SharePoint Online. It covers everything from how to login to shuffling files and folders within SharePoint, to handling Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) data in SharePoint. Working through this course like a lab exercise will give you the experience you need to participate in PEPFAR activities like document collaboration meetings and more, so fire up your browser, login to SharePoint in one window, and follow along with the course content in this one!

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About This Course

After completing this course, learners will be able to

  • Recognize the steps to protect Work Plan Budgets and other SBU data while outside of the DoS network
  • Describe how to move, copy, and upload files in SharePoint Online (SPO), and share a document link with teammates
  • Identify the process of seeing previous versions of a file in various O365 apps
  • Collaborate on documents with teammates in real time, and
  • Navigate the SPO site in case of requesting access to a site, log into a site, and identifying who is a site's Power User